They call me yt.
They call me yt.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Great and delicious food, and an even better view.

Had buffet dinner at The Line@Shangri La Hotel.

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Wifeybaby all ready to EAT!

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Her hubhubs =c)

Too bad we didn't get photos of the food we ate, probably because we were too greedy in our culinary escapades.

Here's the casualty list:
(In no particular order)
10 Oysters
12 Prawns
3 Lobsters
2 Crayfish
Beef Lasagne
Grilled Sea Bass
Dim Sum
Green Cream of Brocolli
8 Cups of cold water
5 Sticks of Strawberries dipped in Chocolate fondue
8 Sticks of chicken satay
40 pieces of Sashimi
4 sushi
alcoholic mango dessert
1 plate of spaghetti
2 slices of pork knuckles

Btw, this is only what I ate. Eloera ate alot too. Begone O foul diet!
And to think we are already planning our next trip there. heh.

To my missus,

The days i spend with you will be firmly etched and seared into my very being. The laughter, the tears, the fun and the pain we share as a couple will always be brought to mind when i think of you. You asked me whether we were meant for each other today at 9:58pm. So here's my answer, "I really think that we were meant to be together like the clouds and the sky. So firmly attached to one another, each one in the other's grasp. I wish that we will always be this way till the end of time. Be mine forever."

I love you.
Happy 3rd month monniversary.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Oh rottens. The apple rottens.

Did average for my mid terms and feeling lousy about it. Lucky it's only my mid terms, a lesson learnt means more hard work will be needed for me to get my results at the end of the year. Though it's only the first semester but i still have to get something decent.

Long holidays due to Hari Raya and inability to persuade myself to go to school led to a super long 5 day holiday for me to spend with Eloera. Study, eat, sleep, dota, all in my house for a period of 5 whole days. (I personally wonder when she's going to move in) My little minx makes me so happy.

I managed to plan my workload distribution table after being so slack for the past few weeks in NUS. Hopefully it'll give me more motivation to study and do better for my grades.

I miss Eloera. =(

Thursday, 4 October 2007
The anti theory of everything

Here i am, writing about something i'm not familiar about, but i'm going to try anyways. It's about the Anti-Theory of Everything (AToE). It's about order in chaos, it's about black in white or white in black, it's about wrongs and about rights. It's about people and their lives. It's about me.

Order in chaos? Do you think there's really such a thing? Chaos is chaos right? But see here, if you take chaos, and multiply it to infinity, you will still see a pattern. A pattern equals to an order that chaos theoretically shouldn't have, yet it's staring straight in your face. Then what is chaos? What is this utter randomness we hail as "Chaos" about? Chaos is derived from the Greek word Χάος. And without order, chaos will cease to exist.

Light and dark is another. One ceases to exist without the presence of the other.

Yet, why is that chaos, darkness, evilness and wrongs are bad? Is it defined that way? If someone steals to support his family, is it wrong? Who are we to judge?

"Humans, we are not God, we are only the administrators of Earth." ~Eloera

This brings us back to the nature and nurture argument. If you teach your child that stealing is good. He'll grow up with the mentality that stealing is fine and that it's perfectly ok to do so. Or is it? Could it be that our genetic make-up that tells us stealing is ultmately wrong and that we should never do it? If it was, why is so much still happening on earth?

Compromise is never an option. If it were, why are there was to be fought? Greed? Fame? Fortune? Is it the ambition to rule the world worth sacrificing millions of lives? Yet, without wars, plagues and diseases, our planet would be overcrowded and would inevitably lead to the crumbling of our populace. So are the dictators to be blamed for their misdeeds? Or are they to be celebrated for giving our future generations breathing space?

Dictators have always been a notorious group. They enforce harsh rules and coerce people to conform. But is this ok? Take a look at the bigger picture. *Disclaimer I'm not attacking the religious groups in the world, just stating how i feel* Take a look at God, we are living under him. We live under his charge, with certain rules. If we break those protocols, we end up dead... sadly. So is god really a dictator in that sense as well? Like i said, i'm not defacing the one who is God, i respect all religions equally and i respect him.

So, in essence, it seems that there are certain things that can be argued incessantly, and a resolution will never be reached. What i have said is purely for mental stimulation that i so desperately lacked in this few days. Seriously, life in NUS is so....

Back to listening my "Norwegian Recycled" Trax.
(ps. this post has 20 question marks. i really must love asking questions.)

Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Picking up the pieces

Life is full of choices.

It's like a never-ending marathon of alternatives that require constant attention. Making the wrong choice gets you into deep shit. Shit knee high. And when you're in knee high of shit, life just sucks.
I'm not regretting any of my choices i made. I just like to have a remote where i can rewind and playback the choices which i really think i made correctly and i loved the choices.
One of which is the choice i decided to make you mine.

(To Eloera, please don't feel fucked over a test ok? I hope this cheers you up. I'll see you tomorrow.)