They call me yt.
They call me yt.
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Conversations by the moon

Mooncakes, tea and family. The makings of a wonderful night. The moon was full and the atmosphere light and extravangently bright from the many lanterns being lit throughout my neighbourhood. Drinking tea with my family and eloera, made the night so much more special.

I thank the heavens for bestowing the wonderous gift that is you.

Well, back to studying for midterms. Life's getting boring with academics and lousy internet connections.

ps. happy 2nd monniversary to you!

Monday, 24 September 2007
Because of you.

And I know this much is true
Baby, you have become my addiction
I'm so strung out on you,
I can barely move...but I like it

Thursday, 20 September 2007
Holidays are in!

1 week term break!
Finally some rest for the tired souls of NUS. 1 week of nothing but enjo... oh wait. We have to study for our mid terms right?


Monday, 17 September 2007
The main ingredient is love.

I'm Yours -- Jason Mraz.

Doing tutorials with you.
Walking around the park after dinner with you.
Cooking Japanese curry with you.
Watching TV with you.
Taking random photos with you.
Playing dota with you.
Eating fish soup with you.
Shopping with you.
Listening to 95FM with you.
Playing thumb wrestling with you.

And yet, people search for bliss and happiness.
I don't bother searching.
For i already found.

Thursday, 13 September 2007
Faded into the black


What's real and what's not.
I would never know.
Mental fences and gates to prevent prying eyes.
Guarding our inner child from danger.
We all have facades.
Yet, it's this facades. Like it or not.
They define us. They make us. They are us.

Taking down your fences and letting someone in.
Is harder than taking off your clothes in public.
The reason is because of the pain.
When someone runs off with something we hold close to us.
We will never know the joy of removing the facades.
Only the freedom of being who we really are.
In front of your loved ones.

Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Sick, studies, and mohawks.

I relish any chance to let myself go through mental stress. I find it interestingly invigorating. I wonder why.

I wonder why i procrastinate so as to feel the joy of having to rush 3 tutorials within 3 hours.
I wonder why i mis-read my computing tutorial and end up doing 248 lines of worthless coding, when all the others have not learnt it yet.
I wonder why i can blog now when i have a test to study for this coming Saturday.

All because i love stress. It makes me feel alive. Oh yes, simple pleasures of life. Yet, so mercilessly overlooked by the materialistic things in life.


Anyway, i want to give a huge shout out to my girl for taking the trouble to care for me while i was sick and pooped on Tuesday. We had so much fun running in the rain. I really appreciate the effort you put in into this relationship, i really do. And thanks for actually thinking of cabbing down on Monday with a baked "something" to cheer me up.

PS: It's cliche and whatnot, but i really think that i love you. =c)

Sunday, 9 September 2007
Math... Maddening Aggrevating Troublesome Homework

Sigh, i'm beginning to lag in my maths and statics... i'm starting to get lost around the corners. I hate it when i stare at the tutorial for more than a minute wondering what to do next. Whether to try writing some random lines and see whether it links to the answer, or just plain give up.

Maybe it's due to the amount of lectures i've been skipping? maybe it's my inefficacy for maths and statics. Well, i don't really blame myself for sucking at statics. I blame the lecturer and the lousy planning to have to go to school just to hand up one assignment question on an EMPTY Tuesday.

Sorry to be lamenting my plight to you, the esteemed reader. Yet, i feel that i need to vent out my vexations over this online portal where drugs, sex and pop-culture over rules everything and anything academic. Why can't i just have a talent? Having a talent is so much easier. You just have to do what you're good at and you get paid, you get recognition, you get satisfaction. How many of us, students of this wretched education system actually feels satisfied solving problem 1 to 15 without a quagmire of difficulty? Well, the general student populace would probably feel happy if we get to sleep at 3am after attempting problem 1 umpteen times and still not getting "it". "It" being the crux of solving the problem or the answer.

Well, many of us will have varying opinions on what we have for a so-called education system. I feel that the system makes us grow up too quick. Too quick were the days gone where i used to play in the gardens and get mud all over my body. Gone were those days i plucked street side flowers to sucked them for nectar. Why is that? Probably due to the education system. Since our education system rewards merit, studies have become our number 1 priority. Who exactly managed to stay out till 8pm catching butterflies in your neighbourhood park? Who could stay over at your friend's house to play sonic on sega 16-bit? Who managed to get a whole set of creepy crawlies set without ASKING your parents?

Totally peeved about my tutorials. It's a roller coaster ride of emotions. Bah. I can't be bothered anymore to attempt it again.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Mom's gonna be happy.

Went shopping to get mommychan a present for her birthday with E today.
Settled for a Bonia Wallet that set me back about 100 bucks.
But i really think mom's gonna love it.

Happy advanced birthday Mom.

Monday, 3 September 2007
Skinnies and japanese curry.

How long have i not blogged? like 6 days. @.@ this is gonna be a new record. Anyways, i did quite a bit for these 6 days. Some are memorable, like the times i spend with you. Others i just want to forget, like going into the wrong class for EG1109.

I got SKINNIES. OMG! OMG! OMG!!! *cues jacinta's omg emoticon.* White and red, patriotic till the end. E said that i looked great in red. I wonder why... =P
Besides my 2 skinnies spree, i got some new tops and a bottom from Cotton On. Quite a nice shop, cheap and looks "Topshopish" according to E. Well, too bad there weren't any polos for my size. Sad.

Caught Rataouille on Saturday and went over to Eloera's house to cook japanese curry for her. Without her, it probably become curry soup. Because i nvr did read the instructions before starting. Heh, so much for offering to cook. Such a spoiler. But the curry turned out to be quite nice to eat. I had like 2 big plates of rice with 5 servings of curry while watching channel 5's Thomas Crown Affair. Interesting show. Maybe because i never watched it before. Roar! So full i almost couldn't leave the house. E's parents were nice enough to offer me to stay over, but i had to go home because mummychan would like me to be home and i missed home.

Sunday was study day. Studied the day away. Had daddywoon's FAMOUS chicken stew. I had 3 full bowls.

Life's fun when you're in love.
Life's happy when you're loved.
Life's blissful when the world knows.
I love you. I really do.