They call me yt.
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Torrential rains and the bloody moon.
Today at approximately 1752 till 1922, the moon passes into the Earth's Umbra and the shadow of the Earth was casted on the moon causing the "blood moon" effect. Yet, did most of the world manage to see it? I guess not. Why? Due to the effects of "scattered light from towns and cities is all too often snuffing out the stars - however clear the skies may be." How much has our earth degraded for the benefit of man? How much more do we want to erode our beautiful earth just that we can live in pleasure? Was discussing about Global warming and whether it's linked to humans with Terrence and Jason over lunch at Simei on Sunday. Jason mentioned a point,"Global warming isn't caused by humans." I was stunned. He said that it's just lots of propaganda and due to the Geography lessons we have in secondary school, that's why we assume that humans cause Global Warming. Taking a look at Singapore, we all know that the weather is going a bit crazy. Sun, rain, sun, rain... What's next? Snow? I wish there was. =) Anyway, i went and googled "Global Warming caused by humans or not?" And went to a site that argues that Global Warming is actually happening and that the Scientific consensus that Global warming is indeed happening is overwhelming. WHY? Here's some reasons to show that the Earth is going through a phase of warming: (Courtesy of -The ten hottest years in recorded history (since the 1860's, when reliable measurements began) have all occurred after 1973. -Average annual temperatures have gradually been climbing. -The polar caps are melting, and giant cracks are appearing in their enormous ice shelves. An 800-square-mile ice shelf called the Wordie has disappeared from Antarctica. A gigantic iceberg the size of Rhode Island also broke off the Antarctic in January, 1995. If even a tenth of the ice in Antarctica melts, it would raise sea levels 12 to 30 feet around the world. (4) Forests are climbing farther north into the polar region, thanks to warmer weather and receding glaciers. There has also been a proliferation of plant life in Antarctica. -Disease outbreaks have been increasing all over the world, due to the fact that diseases thrive better in hotter weather. -El Nino seems to be staying longer. (El Nino normally arrives every three years; it is an upwelling of warm water from the deep Pacific Ocean that rises up all along the Western American coast. It usually has a profound effect on weather.) For the last ten years, El Nino has been causing conditions from extreme drought to extreme rain on the West Coast. -Marine animals have been migrating to newer habitats. Creatures who normally live in warm water have been expanding their habitat, whereas creatures who live in cold water have been retreating farther north and south. Anyway, on a lighter note. Singapore didn't get to see the Red moon today because of heavy torrential rains all over the island. I personally hated the fact it rained so heavily because one, i had to go to school, 2, i didn't have an umbrella, 3, i didn't get to see the moon phenomenon. So yea, it sucked. Eloera made me a candle for our first month anniversary. And i'm so touched by the effort she put into making it for me. At first i was wondering what was so special about the candle. She asked me to burn it and wait and see. I was initially apprehensive because i thought sparks or mini explosions might occur. But it wasn't to be. (Luckily she wasn't a chemist. =P) However, what happened at the end of the burning of the candle was... 5 Words at the bottom of the candle, " Yin Theng I love U."
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Like fucking hell yea!
Finally got the green light to take my fifth module. Damn CORS for eating up my 246 points. But i couldn't careless after 3 days of intensive appeals. Skipped lecture just to settle my appeal. However, it was totally worth it. EC1301... U little minx. COME HERE! RAWR!
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Totally Random Blog Post
Today my blog post is totally random. It's going to be about the things i did since monday. It's random coz i'm a random person in a random part of Singapore doing something totally random. So on Monday, no school so i went running. Ran not much, only 3.5km pretty tiring coz i haven't been training. Monday saw the start of my studying for uni. 4 modules doesn't mean i get to slack off. So Ma 1505, PC 1431, Eg 1109 and CS1101c, was all over my mind. Not till i got in 3 games of dota. =P Tuesday was swimming day with besties ja and eloera. Swam 42 laps, i almost break my 2 legs trying to swim freestyle. My legs cramped everywhere. I swear it was so embarassing. Swim finish at around 1530 and ja had to go for her lessons at 1600. By the time we left the pool, it was already 1610. So much for being on time. Subway! Eloera had egg mayo, i had Subway Club. Then ja called. She Pon lecture! Wth la... RJC student then like that. So seh. I wanna pon lecture also still need to ask permission from teacher lor. =P So we headed to Holland V for Cakes in Providence and Coffee at Starbucks. Ja was so intrigued by this game i introed her at Starbucks called "The Impossible Quiz". It was so funny watching her stare at the screen wondering what's the answer to the super random questions the quiz asked. Eloera had a seriously shagged out face so went home at abt 9. Cabbed down to Buona Vista MRT where the cabbie was super reckless, negotiate bend at 70-80km/h. So crazy. Mr cab driver, u wanna speed u go ahead, u wanna kill urself go ahead, just dun involve innocent pple can already. As we left the cab this old lady was getting ready to board it. I felt so compelled to tell her abt the cabbie's driving, but it's none of my business anyway. Wednesday. Supposed to meet Eloera to get my notes from her since she nicely offered to help me print my notes for me. However, bus 14/45 was MIA. I waited for 15mins for 2 buses. End up making me late on a gloomy Wednesday afternoon. Anyway, we met up at Clementi MRT and went to our lectures. Late. PC 1431 was a waste of time. I already studied his notes on Friday coz i ponned the lecture. See? So hardworking. Lol. 1 hour lunch break where i had Grilled Chicken with Fillet at Technoedge. GOOD SHIT i tell u. But Subway also got good offer Free Upgrade. Can't decide wad to eat now. Lol... After lunch was a SUPER BORING CS1101c lecture about the mechanics of C programming language. I think the lecturer is super lousy. I for one have studied C++ and have some knowledge of C programming and i almost found it hard to keep up with the pace he's teaching. After he go thru finish one example, he already finished 20 slides. Beginners sure lost la... If wanna teach also must ask whether the general populus understands before continuing on. However, singaporeans also, to us, speaking is taboo. So probably, the lecturer no choice but to continue. =) After school, i went to Ikea with Eloera for some Meatballs and Poached Salmon. Met Feng Fu on the bus to Ikea. I was conned into going to TJC Annual Dinner la... $50 for a canteen? i think $50 i can go eat Kushinbo and still have tips for the waiters la. So me and eloera walk and walk and walked thruout Ikea, and ate ice cream and stole the red First Aid Tags. haha! evil i tell u. Anyway, that's it for today's totally random blog post. =)
Monday, 20 August 2007
Why get the whole phone number when u can just get the first 3 digits?
1) key-in the first 3 digits of your handphone number (exclude the '9') into the calculator 2) multiply by 80 3) add 1 4) multiply by 250 5) plus last four digits of phone number 6) plus last four digits of phone number again 7) minus 250 8) divide by 2 at last Freaky shit! It really gives your handphone number as the result! TRY IT!
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
A prayer.
It's been a long time since i last prayed hard for something i wanted. So here goes. . . . . . . . . . . . Done.
Monday, 13 August 2007
(sarcasm)NUS... so rox my world...(/sarcasm)
![]() *Editted coz CORS didn't like me. I didn't get the module i wanted so now have to bid for round 3B. Coz y? This was what happened. I bidded for MKT1003 today at 1238pm. I put X amount of points into it. Went for a swim and realised that there were other modules that i can actually bid coz MKT was getting too hot for my liking. Since i'm a mechanical engineer, i have already pre-allocated 4 modules. Hence, i already have 15MCs currently in the bag. So the CORS system doesn't allow me to scan more than 1 module's bidding info. So when i got home after swimming at 3pm, I decided to drop MKT so i could take a look at the other modules' info. That's when CORS hung on me. GG. Then everything went back to normal. So i thought. I FREAKING LOST MY POINTS FOR BIDDING ON MKT yet nothing was reflected. Means i paid points for something i didn't bid. How wonderful. And like every crook who steals/plunder/kills, CORS ran like a freaking Kenyan away with my points. The NUS CORS system is currently offline. GG. OMG stupid CORS. I created a song for CORS and here's how it goes. CORS, O stupid CORS. How i hate using you, bloody CORS. CORS... CORS CORS. You drive me insane while i try to login. CORS is currently offline. Damn you CORS. PS: Don't sue me please CORS. PPS: I really like CORS. Just fix the problems.
Saturday, 11 August 2007
I'm sleepy,tired,pooped, and allergic to school.
Stuff are happening these few days. Is it happening too quickly for my preference? i'll never know. I dun really give a shit about it anyway. School's starting on Monday and here i am still in Holidaying mood. Technically, my school starts on Wednesday. =) I got a pair of Zara loafers at $30. Was such a great deal. Love my new loafers. Had Sakae buffet till i almost couldn't get up from my seat. Had 6 plates of HARD-CORE SALMON SASHIMI. Was so great. Delicious though couldn't really finish it up. Aug 9, parents went to Bintan with my Bro. I went to Jeremy's House for a BBQ/Gathering/POKER. Lost $10 for my lousy skills. Got commented about my Chicken Frying Skills. I still got lots to improve to really "cook" for people to eat. Caught Hot Fuzz on DVD at J's house while pausing to watch NDP. This year NDP was like nothing much. Probably one of the few times i didn't watch the NDP. (Coz i was cooking outside) Besides the chicken, NDP, broken chair, spilled green tea, poker, money collection, Christina's Orh ba ka and the Vader video, we did had a lot of fun. Thx to Jeremy for inviting us. Stayed over at Ja's and played with her little brother John. Such a nice kid with boundless energy. Hard for a 21 year old guy to keep up. Asked me to fling him, carry him and spin him like Superman. Ja was laughing mad at me and him. Damn funny. Had Bibim Bap at JEC on friday afternoon for Brunch. Only Ja finished, porker -.- Moved over to E's place at 10pm coz i didn't wanna trouble Ja's huge family. We had dinper(dinner/supper) at about 1130. Mee goreng and bee hoon from JB courtesy of E's mom. Thx auntie! The Mee goreng is superb. Never had good mee goreng for a long time. Finally, met up with my family for dinner at Hoshi's in IMM at 730pm. Took a look at our new house over at Clementi before heading home.
Sunday, 5 August 2007
Engg O week and Sunday's with besties
Sat was the start of Engg O week. I must say that i'm a bit impressed that Engg O week is quite "fun" compared to what i heard from other O weeks. However, they're so CUNNING! Monday and next Saturday stay over. There's only 1 reason for that, RAG & FLAG, make that 2 reasons. O week activities 930-- Meet up @LT7A 1000-1230-- Introduction and games until security guard came to "Neow" us for being too loud. Like WTH?? 1230-- LUNCH! Chilli Tofu, Soya sauce Chicken and veg! 1300-- Briefing by SHING aka Project Director Engg O week. 1330-1600-- Learning of Engg O week mass dance. 1600-2000-- Station games. Fishing, charades, treasure hunt, UFO catcher, food testing and more... 2000- DINNER! Was so hungry! Army rations =( 2030-2230-- SP night. Looks good eh? at least there wasn't any of those lame lecturer talks. hahaha. I didn't like the long mass dance hours. And we had to learn on the steps of the lecture room coz of so many screw ups. Irritating. I'm blogging this thru my new ASUS G1s. I sense many of u are "GREEN WITH ENVY". I just love it so much. The vista ultimate has this extra game called hold'em poker too! Going out to pamper "Einden" later with my 2 besties. Getting him a laptop bag then go to a rock show over at the esplanade. Enjoy ur Sunday.
Friday, 3 August 2007
![]() Just got this today from Sim Lim. Sweet machine with good specs. Thx to daddy who got it for me. Thx to mom who convinced dad. =P In love. Happy.
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
HAHA! QET was owned!
Name : CHAN YIN THENG Matric No : U076617R Faculty : Fac of Engineering Result : Band 5 (Please refer to the Band Profile below for a description of your language competence.) ============================================================= Band Profile Band General Performance Descriptors of Qualifying English Test Writing that demonstrates the candidate has: 6 full operational command of the language and can cope well with university level writing tasks appropriately, accurately and fluently Exemption 5 effective command of the language and can cope fairly well with most university level writing tasks with good fluency despite random inaccuracies and inappropriacies Exemption 4 a fair command of the language and can cope with some university level writing tasks with fair fluency though with some inaccuracies and inappropriacies EAP 3 partial command of the language and can cope with only familiar university level writing tasks but with a fair number of inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings EAP 2 basic competence in the language and can cope with a limited number of university level writing tasks but with frequent inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings BE 1 very basic competence in the language and can cope with a very limited number of university level writing tasks but with frequent breakdowns in communication or no real communication BE 0 less than very basic competence in the language to cope with university level writing tasks SE Note: Bands 5 & 6 Students in these bands are exempted from English Language support courses; they are encouraged to continue to develop their English Language skills on their own. Bands 3 & 4 Students in these bands are required to read an English for Academic Purposes Course Bands 1 & 2 Students in these bands are required to read a Basic English Course and subsequently an English for Academic Purposes Course Band 0 Please see your faculty / department for further instructions. ============================================================== HERE'S THE IMPORTANT PART! LOL, i really think now i flunked my A levels GP so badly. My band 5 shows it. Now i'm exempted from taking all the crappy English modules! Woot! Btw any of you who have problems logging into the QET site right, here's how to do it: USERNAME: PASSWORD: Type password here The login system is a bit cocked-up so use my method of getting in. When u get in click on the big LOGIN button on the top left hand corner. |