They call me yt.
Saturday, 30 June 2007
Today i got up at like 745 to meet my friends for some cycling/blading at ECP. As usual, i was first... again. First came Li Shan with her "I not late, OK?" speech, well she was on time for once. Then came Li Ping, Shao Hao and then Li Min who was 30mins late. Anyway, had breakfast at East Coast Macdonalds where we were all fascinated about this flash game this boy was playing on the free internet counter. It involves some pencil drawn hero equipped with a sword going around on a foolscap paper killing his foes and jumping on platforms. The funny thing was, when an enemy was killed, a eraser would appear and "erase" them off the page. Anyway, back to business, after breakfast the rest of them rented bicycles and i got my blades on. They were so slow la... As in they were leisurely cycling and still say tired. =.= We stopped at Bedok Jetty to see people fishing, and there was this guy who fished up a huge fish! Too bad i don't have the photo so show you guys(it's with Shao Hao). The fish was so big the man had problems bringing it back home on his bicycle. Off we went on with our journey all the way to Safra Changi Chalet. Took a break there and got some photos, but again, no photos coz Li Shan is being a lazy bum and don't wanna send me the pictures today. Next we cycled all the way back to the hawker centre near the ski park which Li Min called it the "Lagoon" for i dunno wad reason(i didn't know there was a name for it). And we had a sugarcane break. Finally, all the way back to the bicycle kiosk to return the bikes and off to lunch at Mos Burger@Parkway. When suddenly... I WAS OFFERED TICKETS TO NDP 2nd DRESS REHEARSAL(Family Day) ![]() Thanks Candice(Though you made me wait like forever under the hot sun) The ticket was torn coz that's how they let you in. Something like a cinema, but more low class. =X ![]() The World's Largest Floating Stage(Correct me if i'm wrong) ![]() Another time for the camera. Notice this orange dinosaur with green polka dots. He/she is those guys who help rouse the crowd, cheerleader of some sorts. And there was this gigantic Starfish balloon in the middle of the stage. This year's theme is more about water and the aquatic lifeforms. ![]() Here's one final shot of the platform. It's made by ST technologies according to Li Min/Li Ping. ![]() The Singapore Skyline. I might as well take it since i have such a fantastic view of it. =) ![]() The Singapore Flyer. Singapore First Ferris Wheel. My dad tells me that it's being made by a German company if i didn't remember wrongly. So cool, well, again since i'm there... might as well take a pic. Finally, a parade segment pic. Well the day was fun while it lasted. However i did get some thing out of the journey. SUNBURN! ![]() BEFORE ![]() AFTER Haha, i dunno whether you can tell the difference but there really is. I'm now officially a Half-roasted Pig. So, if you're planning a Saturday out. Remember one thing, always use sunscreen. YT signing off.
Friday, 29 June 2007
The Totally Random Blog Post.
Today i have nothing i wanna blog about so today will be a random blog post. I have a feeling that this might happen often if my life doesn't get anymore interesting than this. Anyway, today i juz watched "The girl who leapt through time", and no i didn't go to Orchard Cineleisure to catch it(exclusive rights). I downloaded it and watched it on a fansub, though the subbing quality sucks but i understand most of the show. The show has a great feel to it, good animation and good storyline. The title really says almost everything about the show, so i wouldn't bore you with the details. I also just finished downloading surf's up and gonna watch it soon! =) So what do i do the whole day? . . . . . I PLAY DJ MAX PORTABLE 2 on my PSP! ![]() This game is a button spoiler for your psp coz it's just a button smashing game for amatuers. However if u get pro at it, it becomes really cool music. Well, i'm trying to master a 4 button song called "Blythe". And look what i've found on youtube: *I worship this player*
Photo blogging day.
Went to NUS for a health check up today and then went for a marathon shopping spree at Vivo City and Orchard. =) ![]() Had lunch at Superdogs! I haven't seen it before(maybe coz i swakoo)so decided to have a try. There's like Hot Dog eating Etiquette with the Do's and Dont's on how to eat a Hot Dog. Here's some stuff written on the paper(the one which they put on the tray): 1) Do eat Hot Dogs with buns using your hands. 2) Don't use utensils on the Hot Dog if they are accompanied by Buns. 3) Condiments like Ketchup, Mustard, Chilli should not be wiped off with a hand towel. They should be licked off your fingers. 4) You should not put Ketchup on your Hot Dogs after the age of 18. ![]() His ![]() Hers After Superdogs we went shopping round Vivo City where I bought a Yellow Pinstriped Shirt at Topman for $79 and Mei Lin bought a Top at MANGO at 50% off! After walking around for like 2 hours plus I developed a small indigestion problem, so we went to Kopitiam to have a drink. So then we decided to go to Orchard for a little Shop-around. =) At Kinokuniya@Takashimaya, I saw this fascinating book about Paradoxes. It's called, "Paradoxes A to Z". So More shopping and shopping(this time is window shopping). Finally i bought a Adidas Shirt at $49 and it was already time for dinner. ![]() Guess where? Fish and Co@Paragon ![]() Gigantic prawns on the platter... ![]() Greedy me looking at the food while she photos me...(i look horrible)
Monday, 25 June 2007
Idiosyncrasies - What maketh the Man?
Today i've got nothing much to say about my adventures in the gaming world or my real life exploits, so i'll tell u guys about some wierd things i love doing that makes me who i am. id·i·o·syn·cra·sy(d--sngkr-s) n. pl. id·i·o·syn·cra·sies 1. A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group. 2. A physiological or temperamental peculiarity. 3. An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug. Idiosyncrasy 1: I love sleeping with my left hand on my forehead. Just because i really hate light getting into my face when i'm trying to sleep. Idiosyncrasy 2: I like my hair to be perfect when i'm out. Not that i'm vain, but i once took 3 baths to get my hair the way i wanted it to be. Idiosyncrasy 3: I dislike being photographed. Is this a trend among new-age guys? Or is it just me? =P Idiosyncrasy 4: I mix my wasabi with soya sauce, as in stir them up together. So as to achieve balance in taste. Idiosyncrasy 5: KFC whipped potato too, i like it stirred. (Thanks to Terrence who taught me the art of fine dining) Idiosyncrasy 6: I need tea every morning, and soup every dinner. Provided i eat in places which doesn't serve those at the appropriate timings. =) Idiosyncrasy 7: I do not wash my face. Idiosyncrasy 8: I can't stand bad english and will tend to correct the mistakes(other pple's mistakes, i can't really notice my own) as often as possible. Idiosyncrasy 9: I'm sure it applies to most pple, but i really can't stand other pple touching me. As in on MRTs and crowded places, I just try to squeeze myself as much as possible to prevent pple from touching me(and by pple i mean strangers). Idiosyncrasy 10: Finally the Coup de Grace! I find this personally a bit wierd, but when i use the loo. I always use the cubicles. And when i do the big business, i have to put tissue on the toilet seat in fear of contacting STDs! lol... There, some wierd stuff you never know about me. Till the next time we meet! YT over and out!
Sunday, 24 June 2007
5 Things to buy with 1million dollars
Kind of bored today so i figured maybe what i can do with 1million dollars(meaning i can spend it all and not live in poverty for the rest of my life). So here's the stuff. 1: Small 2 room apartment $600,000 2: Mercedes Benz SLK 350 $248,888 with COE 3: Samsung 46inch HDTV $5999 4: PS3 $800 + Games $500 5: New computer $4000 Well, i guess that leaves me with $139,813 left to live... haha. I'm not really such a practical man afterall. Only buy luxury stuff and not the practical stuff. Anyways, here's some random things u can do with 1million dollars: Random stuff 1: Buy a PSP($300)+ 14,281 games(Av $70 a game) Random stuff 2: 14,492 Rides on the Singapore Flyer Signature Cocktail Flight@ $69(includes Express Boarding and an exclusive Singapore Flyer cocktail glass) Random stuff 3: 5,000,000 toilet breaks assuming 20cents each Random stuff 4: 125,000 plates of "Orh Lua" @Blk85 Hawker Centre priced at $8 each Random stuff 5: 8,333 pairs of adi-pro Adidas Sport shoes Hmmm, the prices not v accurate so quite random also... ![]() Mmmm, strawberries. Have been eating strawberries for like 3 days in a row now. Dunno why my parents keep buying, but i'm not complaining. LOL. Speaking about strawberries, i wonder what would it be like to farm strawberries. Sigh, such a carefree lifestyle rather than studying in uni(come this august). My right hand's all better too! So i'm back to doing stuff with both hands, though it's still a bit sore on the wrist. Later~!
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Life with a left hand
Been living on my left hand for 2 full days now since spraining my right wrist on friday morning. And i must say, "IT SUCKS!" Even simple tasks like chopsticks, i can barely manage to pick up a piece of sashimi today at M hotel where i had a buffet dinner. =) Anyway, the recovery of my right wrist is coming along fine, probably tomorrow it'll be all better. (That's 48 hours to recover from a sprain) I always felt that i recover abnormally fast, as in faster than others but not like Claire Bennett from Heroes. ![]() Speaking of Claire, i really think she's cute and i really love her superpower of insane spontaneous regeneration. Makes her close to immortal, though without any "firepower". Thinking of it, she can only take hits and is unable to dish out any damage. Too bad Heroes Season 1 is over, i can't wait for season 2 to be out. Haven't caught episodes 22 & 23 coz i don't want to be left hanging without season 2. Oh btw, here's some tips to recover from nasty sprains a-la-YT-style: 1) REST affected area(for me, it would be my right hand) 2) ICE 3-4 times a day to reduce swelling 3) KEEP swelled area above heart level whenever possible to allow the "swell-fluids" to drain easily 4) Stay happy and live with the rest of your functioning body. =) Btw, i didn't go to a doctor. Not that it's something to be proud of. But i rarely go to the doctor's with the exception of during the army. So can "Chao-keng". Whahahaha! Today's blog entry was written by YT's left hand. *Claps*
Friday, 22 June 2007
Bad accident day
![]() Today i had a nasty fall while blading at the track behind my house. My numerous battle scars include: 1 X Sprained Wrist (Right) 1 X Sprained Neck (Left) 1 X Scratched Elbow (Right) 1 X Scratched Knee (Right) 1 X Scratched Shin (Left) 1 X Deflated Ego So i guess that means no more exercising for me. Sigh, just when i mentioned about getting some motivation to exercise. Some divine power just had to stop me from doing so. =P Anyway, met up with Feng Fu and Yadong to hand in the indemnity form for the Student Union Camp happening from 10-14 July. They asked about my hand and i told them i sprained it from playing games to vigorously... ... ... ... ... NOT! LOL, reminds me of Borat. Very nice! Well, it quite troublesome doing stuff with only my left hand, but i'm lucky i'm partially ambidextrous. =) Hope my wrist gets better soon.
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Don't Laugh High School
80 Push ups 80 Sit ups (Didn't run today coz it sort of drizzled) Tell me u didn't laugh Coz i did... The blog which i chanced upon while surfing blogs was the japanese show i always wanted to watch. You guys might know the one where Jacky Wu did, but this was the original one. Go check it out. Really good stuff. Should really start putting more effort into my training if not i'll just keep procrastinating. Hopefully can continue to motivate myself to do more running, blading or even swimming. Not much else to blog about today, i'm suffering from a mental block. Bye.
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Spider Mmmmm... lilies...
60 Sit ups 60 Push ups (No time to exercise coz went out whole day) ![]() Caught Spider lilies today with Mei Lin at Cineleisure today. As she described it,"7 dollars to see 3 mins of that one(referring to lesbian action)." The show was hard to understand for me coz of my poor chinese, and also the fact that the audio was bad. Not that Cineleisure's audio was bad, it's just that... Rainie's voice was just too loud for my liking... You know how in those chinese/taiwanese shows where they purposely increase lead actor/actresses voices so you can hear the dialogue? After the movie we went to Sim Lim Square to get me a new 4gigabyte memory stick Pro Duo for my psp games! There goes $98... (Why didn't i go to the IT fair and get it for $80 like everyone else?) Then at Kinokuniya@Bugis(correct spelling?), i found out that those security sensors don't really like what i had in my bag. I assumed it was my psp all night coz every shop i went which had a security sensor beeped me. Only the one at Metro at Century Square 1st floor didn't(that means can shoplift!). Well anyway, now at home and looking at my new Memory stick packaging i found this... ![]() So maybe, just maybe... THE FREAKING PACKAGING PREVENTED ME FROM GOING INTO ALL THE SHOPS?!?!@ Well, not like that was a bad thing, today i roughly spent about 800-900 Dollars on food, movie, bus/train, memory stick, and my NEW PAIR OF OAKLEY SPECS! Like i always said," Money is meant to be spent, and earned again." Signing off, YT a.k.a. Zerowinks
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Yin Theng is...
Shagged after doing today's exercises. 50 sit ups 40 push ups 20 leg raises 2km run Yea yea, i'm unfit. But at least i'm trying right? lol... anyway, i managed to get my psp to play downloaded games after fixing my firmware at the encouragement of Jeremiah yesterday night, and i must say, it was a success! Now all i have to do is throw away 800SGD worth of original games i bought over the few years. ![]() WHOOPIE! THROW THROW THROW!!! ![]() Into the bin it goes! Anyway, playing GTA:Vice City Stories now while AFK-levelling on Granado Espada. I heard "rumors" that GE is going to be Pay to play(P2P). It's going to be like 13SGD a month and u have to buy the box at approximately 20SGD for installation of the game client. Some more they wanna add an item-shop option into the game. Damn those money-sucking commercials they aired! LOL... But i still love the game and money is no barrier between me and my gaming! Sooner or later i'll start going into the gaming industry from the looks of it. =.= ![]() Zombified, Hypnotised, Obsessed, Addicted... Call it what ever u want dude, you're just jealous. =P YT out.
Monday, 18 June 2007
Silver Surfer has no board...
YT Sliming Programme. Day 1: 60 Push ups 40 Sit ups 4 Km Bladed ![]() Lol... This is a show which i call no imagination. I mean it was ok. Mediocre. Yes it did have it's special effects and stuff. But i'm looking for the OMPH! which was nowhere to be found. The usual jessica alba nosebleed. The oh-so-Mr.Fantastic stretch. The obnoxious Human Ash, i mean Torch. And there is a Thing in my pocket, not one, but many(nokia ad =.=) 7 Bucks for a show meant for kids. 7 Bucks to hear a hysterical laughter throughout the show, the was this guy sitting in the same row as me and my primary school classmates(we meet up every monday night). He was freaking laughing at the lamest lines in the show, and would burst out laughing even when there wasn't dialogue. I mean really LOL kind of laugh. WTF man get a grip, it's fantastic 4 not shrek 3. The show is cheesy... really. *SPOILER WARNING!* I mean how in the high heavens can Galactus die? Isn't he the almighty villian in Marvel comics? I mean he can't die just because silver surfer self-destructed... =.= *SPOILER END!* Anyway, today i kick off my YT Sliming Programme. It consists of a daily static exercise of 50~60 push ups, 50~60 sit ups and either a 2km jog or 4km of blading. I'll write my daily exercise routines at the start of the blog entries so you guys can keep check of my fitness too! And "motivate" me to keep going. Soon i'll look like.... ![]() It's so overused, but what the hell anyway. Oh today at Starbucks, i met this super stuck up gentleman. The bloody ass was damn impatient with the cashier. So he said,"Just call me when you're done." And he just went to sit down. Since i was next in line, i moved up. The cashier was fiddling with the cash register so i waited. The female cashier then whispered to her male colleague to ask the guy to pay up. So here comes the guy, frustrated for dunno wad reason. Comes to the spot where i was standing and behold! HE SCOFFED AT ME! I WAS LIKE What the F. The freaking stuck-up ass didn't bother to say excuse me and he just stood there and scoffed at me. Bloody ass even had the nerve to ask the Starbucks personel to "SERVE" he and his bitch girlfriend their Hot chocs. Bloody assO. On a lighter note, i got this really cool looking postcard from Starbucks.(Thanks Glen, though i really meant that i didn't want to take one just now.) That's all for this extremely long post~ Bye!
Speed Cubing
Take a look at this 20sec one handed rubik cube solving. Decided to check out some speed cubing vids after Jeremy commented about how these guys can crazily solve a rubik cube in like under a minute. This video is one of the better ones as u can see the colours actually moving around. Speaking about cubes, have you seen the prices of high end gaming laptops? Imagine spending 12k SGD on Alienware's Top-end gaming notebook or 8.4k on Rockdirect's "Rig". What you get from such a powerful gaming notebook is a flamegrilled hole in ur money pouch, not to mention a well deserved scolding from your parents. But, is it worth it? HELL YEA! ![]() Amazing how much processing power you can squeeze out from the Aurora mALX. Terrence was talking about getting a laptop that will run Starcraft2 for uni. I'm sure this can pawn the game. However, i think you can actually pay 2 years' worth of school fees with that damn laptop too. LOL. //On a side note, there was no link between the speed cubing and the notebooks. I juz added that for more words. =)
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Seriously. Do something about the foreign workers!
![]() My nick is Neolithus. This guy VT, whom i presume to be foreign with a lousy command of english was trying to barter for an item i was selling. I rest my case.
What did u do this Sunday?
Stayed home and gained 2 levels on Granado Espada, being the hardcore gamer that i am. Here's some stuff i found while surfing youtube. GE version 2.2 Witches of Bahamar
Granado Espada Raid Party At ZOUK
Hmmm, last minute decided to go there with my fren's to buy the LIMITED EDITION BOX SET. Only 9999 copies have been produced worldwide and my copy number is 3,135 out of the 9,999. Here's the advertisement. ![]() There was also a performance by TK band, few cool rigs for us to log in and play GE, Cosplayers, real life "quests" for us to complete to recieve Angel Wings for our in-game characters. Overall, the party was full of things t see and do. However, it was quite packed and my friend had to leave like 1hour after we managed to get in.
Saturday, 16 June 2007
Seriously, another blog?
About 99% of blogs get abandoned like the 4/5 of my 'older' blogs. Maybe my life isn't interesting to blog about. Hell no, my life is interesting. (All 8 months of slacking) Anyway, i've been playing Granado Espada since it was released and if i didn't have to go for that Damned ICT for 5 days, i prolly be lvl 60+ now. 16 June is the GE Zouk Raid Party. I couldn't make it in time to sign up and i had no one to go with. So i'll just have to wait for the news tomorrow. Back to the reason for this blog. It'll probably be about my uneventful life (trying to make it as eventful as possible) and also about my gaming and my thoughts. Hopefully this blog can really last thru the 1st year barrier. Provided i really take time to post. |